Knowledge Resource Centre working hours are from 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on all working days.
Users should maintain pin drop silence in KRC.
Turn your cell phones on “SILENT MODE” while entering Knowledge Resource Centre.
Books are for use and for you only, handle them with care.
Always enter in the KRC with your ID cards.
Students have to enter your name in Entry Record Register.
Personal books and bags are not allowed in the KRC and should be kept in the bag rack near the entrance.
Students have to return the issued books on or before the due date. In case of late submission, Rs.1.00 per day for the first week, Rs. 2.00 for the second week and hence forth fine will be charged. For more demanded books fine will be Rs.5.00 per day.
Check the book properly before issuing. In case of any kind of damage while returning, last user will be held responsible for the same.
In case of lost or damage of book user have to pay double cost of that book or replace the same with a new copy.
Reference sources and non-book material will not be issued out. (i.e. Periodicals, Encyclopedia and single copy)